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per available customerrevparrevpar 2013revpar adrrevpar adr occupancyrevpar and adrrevpar calculrevpar calculation examplerevpar calculation formularevpar definitionrevpar définitionrevpar examplerevpar for hotelsrevpar formula for hotelsrevpar formulerevpar growthrevpar hotelrevpar hotel definitionrevpar hotellerierevpar indexrevpar index calculationrevpar index definitionrevpar index formularevpar index meaningrevpar là gìrevpar managementrevpar marketingrevpar meaningrevpar ne demekrevpar wikirevpar wikipediarevue hotellerierevue hotellerie restaurationrevue restaurationrmc hotelrms bookingrms hotelrms hotel management softwarerms hotel softwarerms posrms property managementrms property management systemrms revenue management systemsroom revenueroom revenue formularooms revenuerooms revenue formulasecteur de l hôtelleriesecteur hôteliersite de l hôtelleriesite hoteliersite hotelleriesocial media hotelleriesoftware gestion hotelstatistique du tourismestatistique 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